Tuesday, January 18, 2022



Pet Rabbit

Rabbits are also very social animals who want contact and interaction with their owners. Rabbits require more time and effort than people think, but they will make great friends for you and your family. Before deciding to raise a rabbit, there are several things that must be considered. According to Rabbit Rescue and Rehab in New York City, USA, which is from the House Rabbit Society, the following items must be prepared before raising a rabbit.

1. Cage

Mary Cotter, founder of Rabbit Rescue and Rehab and vice president of the House Rabbit Society, recommends using cages. Provide the largest cage you can get for your rabbit.

The House Rabbit Society recommends purchasing a cage no smaller than 120 cm in length, 60 cm in width and 120 cm in height. This provides ample space for the litter box, toys, food and water bowls, and the bunny to stand or lie down.

2. Poop box

The rabbit should also have a solid base, and a mat, blanket, or towel underneath to keep the rabbit from slipping and provide a comfortable surface to sit on.

Once the rabbit has made his choice, place a litter box or container for his defecation there. Cotter recommends lining the box with newsprint and then filling it to the top with grass.

Once the rabbit has made his choice, place a litter box or container for his defecation there. Cotter recommends lining the box with newsprint and then filling it to the top with grass.

3. Food

There are several types of rabbit food that need to be prepared. The first is grass, which stimulates rabbits' normal chewing behavior and provides proper wear to their teeth, as well as preventing dental disease. The fiber in grass for rabbits will also promote good digestion. Fresh grass or wheat grass should be given to rabbits in unlimited quantities every day. “Grass is the most important part of the diet. They can survive alone,” said Darryl Heard, a veterinarian and professor at the University of Florida School of Veterinary Medicine.

Other foods are vegetables. Green leafy vegetables are used to supplement hay and provide additional vitamins and nutrients. The House Rabbit Society recommends feeding rabbits a mix of three different vegetables each day such as carrots, collard greens, beets, broccoli, and romaine lettuce. Next up are the pellets, which provide additional nutrition for the rabbit. However, pellets should only be given as an additional supplement to the diet.

Rabbit Rescue and Rehab recommends pellets containing grains, beans or corn, as these are not required in the rabbit's diet and can trigger health problems.

Lastly, snacks. Every pet deserves a treat, but be careful which one you choose for your rabbit. Too much sugar or simple starch can throw off the balance of bacteria in your rabbit's intestinal tract and cause illness.

5. Water

Rabbits should have access to clean and fresh water at all times. A bottle with a special straw can be used, but it should be checked regularly to make sure it is working properly, as the rabbit will chew on the tip and cause it to get stuck.

6. Food bowl

Rabbits are curious and playful, and tend to flip bowls lightly as they move them around and explore their habitat. Also read: 3 Risks of Disposing of Pet Feces Indiscriminately Heavy ceramic bowls or metal bowls will be more difficult for rabbits to spill.

7. Maintenance tools

A soft, rabbit-safe brush is essential for removing loose hair. Even safe nail clippers should be used to trim the rabbit's nails.

8. Toys

Toys provide mental and physical stimulation to keep your rabbit from getting bored, overweight, and depressed. Good bunny toys include paper bags and cardboard boxes for crawling into, scratching and chewing, small balls or toys to toss and a climbing pole for climbing.

Even rabbits need four to five hours each day outside their cage to exercise, play and socialize. For that, you need a room large enough and resistant to rabbits.

Pets Ideally, this area should be carpeted to provide traction when rabbits run and jump, as they can slip or slide and injure themselves on hardwood or tile surfaces.

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Tips for Choosing Super Koi Fish || BANG YIYING FARM ID

Super Koi Fish

Koi fish have indeed become a favorite type of ornamental fish in all parts of the world, even in Indonesia. This koi fish remains a mainstay ornamental fish for cultivators and also ornamental fish hobbyists even though these fish are priced quite high.

The Right Way to Choose a Super Koi Fish

Koi fish that are suitable to be kept or cultivated must come from the best quality super koi fish. We can see the super koi fish from their physical characteristics and how to swim, and various other ways to recognize them. The following is information on tips on how to choose super koi fish for you.

1. Koi fish body shape. 

Koi fish have an ideal body shape between length and height. Koi fish are between 12 or 13 in length and have an elongated round body shape but do not display a fat body.

2. Back line. 

Quality koi fish have a straight back line or not curved.

3. How to swim

Super koi fish can also be seen from the way they swim. A good koi fish will swim in a balanced way because it has balanced fins on the right and left, or is known to have a good jitai.

4. Fish fins. 

Choose a super koi fish that has the same large pectoral and pelvic fins. For the dorsal fin and tail fin should also be selected proportional and balanced according to the body length of the koi fish. In addition, it would be better if you can recognize the fins of the koi fish that are upright or dangling to the right and left.

5. Shape the head area. 

A good koi fish needs to be seen in the eyes, mouth and gills. Each must be harmonious and proportional. Do not choose koi fish that are too sharp or vice versa, because usually a nose that is too deep can contain meat deposits.

6. Fish nose.

Pay attention to the fish nose area and make sure it is normal. Because a fish's nose that is too open can indicate that the koi has gill disease.

7. Choose a fish that becomes one with his friend.

As a characteristic of super koi fish, usually koi fish will gather with fellow koi fish. Therefore, please avoid koi fish that seem aloof. This could indicate that the fish are threatened with unhealthy or have bad habits as ornamental fish.

8. Color pattern on fish. Quality koi fish have contrasting color scales, that is, the color of the pattern and the base color can be seen clearly. The color that is on the body of the fish must also be chosen that is bright. If it has a white color, it must have a clean white color or not yellowish. Then the fish can be ascertained healthy and super.

9. Choose an active fish.

Super koi fish are fish that swim frequently, are balanced, and swim at a standard speed. Don't choose fish that spend most of their time at the bottom of the tank or fish that don't breathe properly using their gills.

Tips for Choosing Super Koi Fish Seeds

Before starting a koi fish farming business, surely breeders will start by choosing super and best quality koi fish seeds. This will make the quality of the harvest from the nursery will also improve. By choosing koi fish that are suitable for contest standards, it will certainly make the breeder safer and calmer because they already have high-quality koi fish seeds.

The selection of contest koi fish is not the same as choosing koi fish to fill a home aquarium. There are more detailed requirements when choosing a contest koi fish which of course will determine whether or not our choice is correct.

Judging standards in ornamental fish contests must of course be met so that koi fish can be called super koi fish. Overall, the quality of super koi fish can be seen from the parent, the health of the pond, and the color of the fish pattern.

There are certain parameters that will let us know how the quality of the koi fish we have. One of the most important things is to always pay attention to the health of the fish.

The best advice for those of you who want to buy koi fish seeds is to choose koi fish with a length of approximately 10 cm at an affordable price. Koi fish can be started to be cultivated by providing healthy and filling food for fish. Pond maintenance is also an important factor so that the quality of brood fish is still maintained.

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Vitamins and Supplements For Chicken || BANG YIYING FARM ID

In addition to feed, roosters also need vitamins and supplements so that their meat is healthy and of good quality for consumption. For fighting roosters, vitamins are used to keep the chickens' resistance strong when fighting. In addition, the provision of vitamins and supplements aims to optimally build hair, muscles, bones and other body parts. Therefore, how to care for roosters in the form of giving vitamins and supplements must be considered.



How to take care of red a rooster

1. Prepare the Cage

The first way to care for a rooster is to prepare a cage according to standards. Usually, the parent and child cages are made separately for easy maintenance. In addition, the care required is different from one another.

The cages used are generally made of woven wood. The size of the coop depends on the number of roosters you have. however, try to make it wide enough for the chicken to move.

Especially for rooster chicks, because they are separated from their mother, the care must be more intensive. For example, providing a heater in the cage so that the male chicks do not get sick and die easily.

Make sure the chicks are warm so they are easier to adapt to the environment.

2. Prepare the Feed

Furthermore, feed is an important aspect in how to care for roosters. For example, male chicks should be given only water to drink. However, for roosters, can be given food in the form of pur or bran. Pur feed can be mixed with rice bran in a ratio of 4:1.

3. Vitamins and Supplements

In addition to feed, roosters also need vitamins and supplements so that their meat is healthy and of good quality for consumption. For fighting roosters, vitamins are used to keep the chickens' resistance strong when fighting.

In addition, the provision of vitamins and supplements aims to optimally build hair, muscles, bones and other body parts. Therefore, how to care for roosters in the form of giving vitamins and supplements must be considered.

4. Bathing

Even though it has been caged, it does not guarantee that your rooster is clean. So, you can at any time bathe your rooster. The best time to bathe a rooster is 8am in the morning.

Do not use warm water when bathing chickens because it will damage your rooster's feather tissue. Also, do not use soap or other chemical-based liquids that will damage the content of chicken meat and can turn into poison when consumed.

5. Drying

How to care for the next rooster is drying after bathing. Given that your rooster is not released in the wild, intensive care should always be done. For example, after bathing, make sure to dry your rooster by drying it.

However, make sure you have placed a mat at the bottom of the cage so that your rooster doesn't roll around and get dirty again. Also, don't put your chickens in the hot sun as they prefer a standard area.

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